

In the exam you might be asked to describe different ways of getting fit or staying healthy. You may be asked to describe different sorts of exercise that we can take to get fit, or the sort of food we should and shouldn’t eat. In the Writing Paper, you might have to write a report recommending a health club or sports centre, an article recommending a healthier lifestyle, or a letter in which you will give advice to a friend that wants to lose weight.


My doctor told me I was very unhealthy and that I didn’t look after myself. For a start, I was overweight by about twenty kilogrammes. He said I needed to change my sedentary lifestyle. He also told me about the benefits of leading a more active lifestyle. He stressed the importance of sticking to a balanced diet and insisted that I shouldn’t eat so much junk food. In addition, he strongly advised me to give up smoking and take up some exercise.

be critically/seriously ill- być ciężko chorym
be in good shape- by w dobrej formie
be in poor health- mieć słabe zdrowie
catch a cold/flu- złapać przeziębienie/grypę
die of/from cancer- umrzeć na raka
ease the pain- łagodzić ból
examine a patient- badać pacjenta
go down with a disease- zapaść na chorobę; zachorować
prescribe painkillers- przepisać środki przeciwbólowe
recover from an operation (= get better/get over)- wrócić do zdrowia po operacji
sedentary lifestyle- siedzący tryb życia
sprain one’s wrist- zwichnąć nadgarstek
suffer from a headache- cierpieć na ból głowy
twist one’s ankle- skręcić kostkę
vaccine against rabies- szczepionka przeciw wściekliźnie
vomit- wymiotować
x-ray lungs- prześwietlić płuca

fit- w formie
frail- chorowity
healthy- zdrowy
ill/sick- chory
injured/wounded- ranny
insane-chory umysłowo

curable- uleczalna
fatal- śmiertelna
incurable- nieuleczalna
infectious- zakaźna
painful/sore- bolesne
swollen- spuchnięte

ache/pain- ból
bruise- siniak
disease/illness- choroba
fever- gorączka
injury- uraz
nausea- mdłości
rash- wysypka
wound- rana

stomach ache

check-up/examination- badanie
ointment- maść
pill- tabletka
plaster- plaster; gips
prescription- recepta
treatment- leczenie
surgery- operacja
ward- oddział

Now, do the test below.


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