Beckham resigns as England captain

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"
Carrie Dunn
Sunday July 2, 2006
David Beckham announced this morning that he would no longer serve as England captain.
A visibly upset Beckham read his own statement, in which he stressed that he would continue playing for the England team for as long as he is selected.
The 31-year-old thanked former caretaker coach Peter Taylor for giving him the armband in November 2000 in a friendly against Italy, Sven-Goran Eriksson, his team-mates, the fans and the media.
He said that the decision to stand down was the most difficult of his life, but it was a conclusion he had reached prior to England's defeat to Portugal, saying: "I came to [this decision] some time ago, but I hoped to leave on the back of a successful World Cup. Sadly it was not to be."
He ended: "It has been an honour and privilege to captain my country. I have lived the dream. For that I will always be grateful."
announce- oświadczać, ogłaszać
armband- opaska na rękę
caretaker- tymczasowy
coach- trener
conclusion- wniosek, konkluzja
defeat- porażka
former- były, poprzedni
prior to- przed (czymś)
privilege- przywilej, zaszczyt
reach a conclusion- dojść do wniosku
serve as- służyć jako, pełnić funkcję
stand down- rezygnować (na korzyść kogoś innego)
statement- oświadczenie
stress- podkreślać
upset- załamany, przybity, przygnębiony
visibly- widocznie, wyraźnie